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Nutterfield Descendency Chart

Shown here is just how I descend from George Nutterfield, the earliest Nutterfield so far documented. For obvious reasons, I have included only the year of birth for persons. I have included spouses ONLY for my direct line ancestors. I do,however, have spouses for all of them---if you are interested in any of these families I encourage you to contact me. I realize this formatting is not perfect, but with my limited web design knowledge it is the best I can do.At the bottom I have listed the areas of known residence for the families of the original 10 children. (Three of the 13 died in infancy.)I have attempted to include enough info on this line in order for someone to make a connection, if possible, without placing all data. I do have much more though. I have also added at the bottom,any other known researchers in this line.

First 3 Generations

4th-7th Generations

Descendants Main Areas of Residence and OTHER RESEARCHERS